My hands are blue, my face is sunburnt, and there are a couple of rips in my jeans but I have a bucketful of juneberries! This year our hillside is awash with these little beauties. The blueberry-look-a-like is so flavorful and grows wild in large sections of the great plains. When we lived in Wyoming, they called them serviceberries and on the Canadian plains they are known by the name saskatoons. In North Dakota, on “my side of the mountain”, we call them juneberries. No matter what they are called, they are so much fun to pick – and eat!
Experts say that any berry with a crown on the end is good to eat, and there is no toxic look-a-like. That was news to me, and I am going to remember it the next time I go foraging in the woods.

Juneberries are in the apple family, but in recipes they more closely resemble and taste like a blueberry. The photo above shows what a blueberry looks like as compared to the juneberries in the previous photo. Blueberries are often larger and many varieties have yellow pulp.
Lemon curd is spread over a white cake and then the top is decorated with berries. But my favorite way to eat juneberries is with lemon curd and yogurt.
A spoonful of yum-i-licous juneberries, lemon curd, and yogurt. Lemon curd keeps up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator or can be stored for several months in the freezer and ready to serve with all kinds of seasonal berries.
Lemon Curd
Grated zest and juice of 6 lemons
1 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup butter, cut into cubes
5 eggs, lightly beaten
Combine lemon zest, juice and sugar in a 2-quart glass measure. Microwave on high for 2 to 3 minutes or until sugar is dissolved, stirring twice. Beat eggs lightly. Slowly add 1/2 cup of hot liquid into the beaten eggs to temper the eggs, beating constantly with an immersion blender or wire whisk. Return the egg mixture back into hot liquid and blend well. Microwave on high 3 to 4 minutes or until mixture thickens, beating with an immersion blender every 60 seconds to keep mixture from curdling. While mixture is still hot, stir in butter until melted. Allow to cool and serve over cake or yogurt with juneberries or other favorite berries.
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