Blueberry and Sorghum Granola

This makes individual servings of granola in about 3 minutes flat. Perfect to make the night before or even in the morning when you have a few minutes to allow it to cool.

Blueberry and Sorghum Granola

2 teaspoons grape seed, coconut, canola oil or butter
2 teaspoons water
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons honey, sorghum, brown sugar or maple syrup
1/3 cup rolled oats
2 tablespoons whole grain cooked sorghum, nuts and seeds
3 tablespoon fresh or dried blueberries, chopped apples, dried cranberries, cherries or raisins

Combine all ingredients in a mug and stir well. Microwave about 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds. Microwave until oats begin to toast.  Spread granola out on a plate to cool. It will become more crisp as it cools.

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