Town and Gown Event Recipes The Culinary Medicine lecture I gave for our community included some really innovative recipes. Overnight oats are super simple and the buckwheat crepes are a little more involved, but so amazingly fun that is totally worth it. The lecture was in the morning so we […]
Food Blog
Rare White Truffles from Italy are Reminiscent of Morels
Andria surprised me for my birthday with a trip to an Italian village known for rare white truffles. It felt almost like a secret mission where we were shown the goods in a very clandestine fashion-truffles wrapped in a piece of suspicious looking cloth with bits of dirt still clinging to […]
Decadent Chocolate Bean Brownies
I am presenting a culinary medicine program for the Skillet Creek Watershed Festival and I wanted to feature some of our favorite farm crops. Soybeans and chocolate don’t usually go together but they are a really great combination for brownies. We tested them on all kinds of groups and they […]
Recipes for UCF Life Presentation
It was really great to meet so many of the UCF community at the Culinary Medicine Session. We worked through so many great nutrition and culinary ideas and then tasted each of the recipes. Here are the recipes from the session. Let me know in the comments what you thought […]
Pesto Vinaigrette
The Abby was the venue for the UCF MedTalk last night. It was a beautiful evening with music and diner. Culinary Medicine was the hot topic and the audience were given a backstage look at how the food they were tasting was carefully crafted nutritionally. The tomatoes in […]
Guest Dietitian Ashlee Writes on Mindful Eating
This blog is written by Ashlee Wright MDA, RD, LD/N who has been a registered dietitian for 7 years. She shared her recipe with me and we loved it. The first time I made the recipe, I followed it exactly and it was delish. The next time, I omitted the […]
Kale, Pecans and Blueberry Orange Salad
Andria and I created some of our go-to favorite recipes when FoxTV asked us to do a special on Culinary Medicine, but we started creating those recipes years ago. Andria is an engineer for Whirlpool and it is fascinating to think she was using a KitchenAid stand mixer when she […]
Farm to Table in minutes on FoxTV live with Andria and Jacque. (Click “read more” to play video)